Solar PV panels that we supply are of a high quality chosen to reduce obsolescence among those available in the industry. Freetricity monitors the power supply and has worked out that with these panels the maintenance service that we provide for free is kept to a minimum frequency. The solar panels are guaranteed and insured for the full 25 years for which the Government feed-in-tariff applies. We have also selected the panels on the criterion of efficiency.
There is a misconception that PV panels might cause adverse glint and glare effects, with reflected sunlight creating a nuisance or even a safety risk for planes or traffic. This is not the case. The panels are designed to absorb as much daylight as possible, and therefore have a low level of reflectivity when compared to surfaces such as window glass, water or snow. Less than 9% of total incident visible light is reflected by PV panels, whereas normal glass reflects about 17%.
Increasingly, in line with Planning Policy Statements and European trends, panels are viewed as visually pleasing. If you have a south-facing or flat roof, we at Freetricity hope to hear from you soon to enable you to lower your energy bills at no cost to you!
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