Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Designing the new plans

I am Delfin Alvarez, one of the Architects working for Freetricity. I design the plans for your incredible opportunity of having a free solar installation on your home or company and my planning team uses my designs in aid of obtaining planning permission from your local authority.

Solar PV is a popular, attractive and durable energy solution. They can be installed on most roof styles and materials, including metals. Not many people realise that the solar modules actually protect your roof from the weather and extend its life.

The most important part of the design is deciding how we can maximise the number of panels and locate them at an angle where the sun shines the most. Nothing should obstruct the solar panel from receiving sunlight, even if it is just a small shadow. So the layout and number of the arrays is crucial, because the more sunlight that hits them, the more electricity they produce for you to use for free. Below is an example of what an ideal proposal might look like:

Above: pitched roof (church)

Above: flat roof (office)

As you can see, we take great care in developing the best design bespoke to your property. This is the reason why you can rest assured that we are providing you with the largest amount of renewable energy possible. Not only that, but our professional drawings prepare us to install as quickly and effectively as can be when we arrive.

Research shows that solar energy is the past, present and future. One recent discovery was even made by a child, Aidan Dwyer, who at the age of 13 found that an oak tree’s Fibonacci pattern allowed 50% more sunlight to be collected than the ordinary pattern of solar installations. It is through our learning of nature’s design that we can discover better ways to harness all this wonderful energy provided by the sun, because if the trees are doing this then why can’t we?

We are facing a new era of green technology and we don’t want to leave anyone behind, so book your installation today!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

High Temperatures

The unexpected high temperatures of the past the week have been the warmest start to October on record, the ideal conditions for to generating electricity using solar voltaic PV systems. For Freetricity customers who have successfully installed their solar panels, the warm weather has been an added bonus. In the UK and Europe large solar installations have been installed to help replace fossil fuels. Even in our capital city Network Rail is about install solar panels on the roof of Blackfriars station.  Solar panels have also been equally popular amongst the general public as indicated by applications from residential and commercial customers in response to Freetricitys offer of a free solar PV system. 
In these times of ever increasing energy prices and the government’s commitment to meeting the Kyoto targets, the expansion of solar energy would be an effective contribution to meeting the government’s commitment s and a tremendous benefit to the public in helping to reduce their energy costs.  Therefore, it was a little disappointing that solar energy was not mentioned in the speech made by Charles Hendy (Climate Change Minster) during the Conservative party conference. Surely access to solar PV systems should be encouraged by any government or political party given that it is the electricity consumers who ultimately pay for the government supported feed in tariff scheme and therefore, should benefit directly through a reduction in their electricity bills.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to maximise the benefit of solar power in your home?

I’m Andy Dawson and I work in Business Development for our commercial clients throughout the UK.  There is phenomenal interest in our free solar power offer at a commercial level – not just form obvious companies in large roofed warehouses, but also from schools, farms, churches and community centres and other not for profit organisations.  This is such a fulfilling job for me – being able to help so many organisations reduce their electricity bills as well as save tonnes of carbon dioxide from getting into the atmosphere; and all for no investment from our clients.  I’m very experienced in solar power and we have solar panels on our house in Richmond upon Thames.

We have a 2Kw system on our roof at home, which was installed in December 2010.  We are really pleased with the free solar power and having the panels has made us much more aware of the power we use and how we can be better still at reducing the electricity we are billed for.

Before the system was installed, we borrowed a device which you plug in between the plug on an appliance and the socket it goes into.  This reads exactly how much energy any device actually uses.  This meant we began to understand the drain of everything in the house.  Some of the appliances were obviously power hungry – all the things with heating elements in them for example.  We found the kettle, microwave oven, toaster, washing machine, dishwasher and electric oven all draw about 2Kw each when you switch them on.

Other big drainers of electricity include the fridges and freezers (2 of each – teenage boys at home), television and desktop computers with monitors, all of which drain quite a lot too.  Only the fridges and freezers are always on however, everything else is switched on when needed.

The less obvious drains on power are all the little transformers for appliances that were always switched on, day and night.  We had one 6 way extension that the stereo and its extras were plugged into that was a significant drain and was running 24/7, for example. It is truly astonishing how many modern appliances have transformer type plugs, all getting hot by stepping down voltage and feeding it into something that is essentially switched off.  We unplug the stereo now and are really careful about what is left plugged in or on standby.

We also have a device that tells us exactly how much electricity in total we are using at any time.  This is clipped to the feed cables going into the electricity meter – so it works at a whole house level.  We can tell from it that the fridges and freezers are not very energy efficient (they are old), but they only drain power intermittently, because they are thermostat controlled.   We can instantly see how much extra electricity we are using when we switch on the kettle for example.

Armed with this information, we have changed our strategy radically.  Not just by unplugging the continuously draining things and being better at not using standby – but also by strategic use of other appliances.  We only switch the dishwasher on just as we are leaving for work in the morning, and we have the washing machine on a 2 hour delayed start at the same time.  That means that these appliances run one after the other and while the solar panels are delivering enough electricity to run each of them on their own. This means we aren’t ever paying for the electricity to run these things.

When the teenage boys are home in the school holidays, they don’t get up before lunchtime, so their guitar amps and games consoles are being paid for by the solar panels, because the washing machine has finished by then.

The first thing that happened after the panels were installed in December was that 3 inches of snow fell on them.  That was the only time they didn’t generate any power though - and it only lasted for a couple of days.  In 9 months since the system was installed, we have generated 1,853.92 Kwh (or Units), through one of the coolest and most overcast summers on record.

We have taken other energy reducing measures as well, insulating the loft even more and thoroughly draughtproofing the whole house.  We have replaced our antiquated boiler with an A rated one in the loft and our energy reduction strategy is paying real benefits in the bills we pay, but also in the amount of carbon dioxide we are responsible for pooting out into the atmosphere.

Real change in society can only happen if enough people change what they do individually.  It is important for our children’s sake to make that change in our lifestyles now and encourage everyone we know to do the same.

Install solar panels today!

Our solar panels – at the back of the house.  We think they look great too!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Solar panels made to last

Solar PV panels that we supply are of a high quality chosen to reduce obsolescence among those available in the industry. Freetricity monitors the power supply and has worked out that with these panels the maintenance service that we provide for free is kept to a minimum frequency. The solar panels are guaranteed and insured for the full 25 years for which the Government feed-in-tariff applies. We have also selected the panels on the criterion of efficiency.

There is a misconception that PV panels might cause adverse glint and glare effects, with reflected sunlight creating a nuisance or even a safety risk for planes or traffic. This is not the case. The panels are designed to absorb as much daylight as possible, and therefore have a low level of reflectivity when compared to surfaces such as window glass, water or snow. Less than 9% of total incident visible light is reflected by PV panels, whereas normal glass reflects about 17%.

Increasingly, in line with Planning Policy Statements and European trends, panels are viewed as visually pleasing. If you have a south-facing or flat roof, we at Freetricity hope to hear from you soon to enable you to lower your energy bills at no cost to you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Changing the face of solar, one panel at a time

Welcome to the new Freetricity blog, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the exciting new world of energy independence.

Freetricity was born from a simple idea, to allow as much of the UK as possible to benifit from the ultimate free energy source, the sun.

When I first heard about the new government scheme it sounded too good to be true, the government offering a feed in tariff which would allow us to give away free electricity and install free solar panels; we ran the figures, and re ran the figures, it worked; the capital cost of the panels would be paid for by us, and then over the next 25 years we would take a small yearly government grant to cover the cost of the panels and make a small return on our investment.

When we started out we thought it would be quite simple to achieve this, but we soon learnt that the process is very complicated, it can take upto three months just to get all the documents in place to be able to lease the 'air' above a persons roof......and why do we lease the air above your roof; well apparently the lawyers think this is the best way to describe what we are doing....only lawyers could come up with leasing air!

So here we are 6 months after we have launched we have had nearly six thousand applications; but annoyingly the criteria is so tight we have to reject a lot of our applications, not because we don't want to give away free electricity; but because the cost of solar installs is so high we have to make sure that our systems are in almost perfect locations, even a chimney or a skylight can make a difference! But the good news is that as the price of solar drops our criteria should also become more flexible, so it maybe that soon even if you have had a roof rejected we will be able to offer you free solar in the future....

Our goal is to make solar a common part of the landscape of UK, one of the first questions we are normally asked is, why do you want to install solar in the UK, as its not very sunny! Its true we do have more than our fair share of grey days; but believe it or not solar panels do not need direct sunlight to work efficiently, as long as there is light they will be generating power; in fact the largest solar market in the world Germany has the same amount of sunlight as the UK!

So welcome to Freetricity we hope you will choose to get your free solar electricity from us, we are a professional team with professional installers; join us on the journey to electricity independence!
If you want to apply for free solar goto or if you know anybody with commercial roof space who wants free electricity they can apply at