Gone are the days where people flippantly dismiss individuals who choose to 'go green'. We are no longer in the position to consistently and believably like to ourselves about our blatant mistreatment of Mother Earth in the past century or so. The choices our ancestors have made as well as the ones we make day to day when choosing to not recycle, or leave the lights on when it is completely unnecessary have left us with the inconvenient imposition of having to actually DO something about the way we consume. It is from this need that the creation of free solar panels came into being.
One such way that we have decided to get real, is through finding alternative means to create energy, one such avenue is through the use of solar technology, i.e. harnessing the sun's energy through the use of free solar panels as a way to power homes. Not only does this switch greatly decrease the amount of waste we put out into the world, but it also lowers monthly bills. Now that, is something that is incredibly sexy.