Location is essential if you want to add free solar panels to your home. In order to determine the correct number of solar panels you must factor in variables like climate, the location of your home, and the total area that you need to generate power for. Here are some tips you could find useful for your research because they clarify things for this big decision of making the home energy efficient.
- How much energy does your family consume? You need an average estimate in order to determine the size of the solar system.
- Find out the number of solar days and the average rainfall specific to your living area.
- Find out about the amount of electricity generated by the free solar panels and the technical features of the solar panels. Evaluate how much power you can make with five hours of exposure per day, and compare these data with the consume you estimate for your family.
Besides the solar panels as such, money will also go into battery banks, inverters and professional installation. For anyone who wants a small air conditioner in one of the rooms, the costs will be even much higher than what we’ve mentioned above.
So far the costs of solar power for homes seem scary because of the initial investment. Such home improvement still remains a perceived ‘luxury’ for millions of people in the UK. However, this is slowly changing.