Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Designing the new plans

I am Delfin Alvarez, one of the Architects working for Freetricity. I design the plans for your incredible opportunity of having a free solar installation on your home or company and my planning team uses my designs in aid of obtaining planning permission from your local authority.

Solar PV is a popular, attractive and durable energy solution. They can be installed on most roof styles and materials, including metals. Not many people realise that the solar modules actually protect your roof from the weather and extend its life.

The most important part of the design is deciding how we can maximise the number of panels and locate them at an angle where the sun shines the most. Nothing should obstruct the solar panel from receiving sunlight, even if it is just a small shadow. So the layout and number of the arrays is crucial, because the more sunlight that hits them, the more electricity they produce for you to use for free. Below is an example of what an ideal proposal might look like:

Above: pitched roof (church)

Above: flat roof (office)

As you can see, we take great care in developing the best design bespoke to your property. This is the reason why you can rest assured that we are providing you with the largest amount of renewable energy possible. Not only that, but our professional drawings prepare us to install as quickly and effectively as can be when we arrive.

Research shows that solar energy is the past, present and future. One recent discovery was even made by a child, Aidan Dwyer, who at the age of 13 found that an oak tree’s Fibonacci pattern allowed 50% more sunlight to be collected than the ordinary pattern of solar installations. It is through our learning of nature’s design that we can discover better ways to harness all this wonderful energy provided by the sun, because if the trees are doing this then why can’t we?

We are facing a new era of green technology and we don’t want to leave anyone behind, so book your installation today!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

High Temperatures

The unexpected high temperatures of the past the week have been the warmest start to October on record, the ideal conditions for to generating electricity using solar voltaic PV systems. For Freetricity customers who have successfully installed their solar panels, the warm weather has been an added bonus. In the UK and Europe large solar installations have been installed to help replace fossil fuels. Even in our capital city Network Rail is about install solar panels on the roof of Blackfriars station.  Solar panels have also been equally popular amongst the general public as indicated by applications from residential and commercial customers in response to Freetricitys offer of a free solar PV system. 
In these times of ever increasing energy prices and the government’s commitment to meeting the Kyoto targets, the expansion of solar energy would be an effective contribution to meeting the government’s commitment s and a tremendous benefit to the public in helping to reduce their energy costs.  Therefore, it was a little disappointing that solar energy was not mentioned in the speech made by Charles Hendy (Climate Change Minster) during the Conservative party conference. Surely access to solar PV systems should be encouraged by any government or political party given that it is the electricity consumers who ultimately pay for the government supported feed in tariff scheme and therefore, should benefit directly through a reduction in their electricity bills.